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The Hart Family-Pensacola Child Family Photographer

This morning, I had the pleasure of having a session with the Hart Family. We’ve known the Hart’s for a few years now….our kids have played t-ball together and our little girls are very good friends. Lottie had asked me if I could do a couple of quick shots of Miss Kaylin in her dance recital outfits….so I did. While I was at it….I got some shots of Zach and Wesley with their sister as well….it was a very quick photo session but fun….full of giggles. Wesley had us all cracking up when he tooted right in the middle of getting his picture taken….and then he kept doing it. 🙂 I love the pictures I captured of the three of them together but I have to say….the ones I took right after he tooted….those are my faves…..the laughter that was captured is priceless…and so, so real. Love it. While I’m talking about the Hart kids….I just have to say….they are probably the 3 most polite children I have ever encountered….I know their parents have to be proud of that 🙂 Here ya go Lottie….I hope you like them!
And….I saved my favorite shots of the kids for last….Wesley’s tootie escapades…..

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