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Livestrong-Pensacola Family Photographer

Meet the L Family. My husband and I have known them for a few years now and I have to tell you, they are just wonderful people. You really couldn’t ask for better friends to have. S is a true inspiration. She has been fighting cancer now for many years and her strength just amazes me. She is absolutely radiant right now ๐Ÿ™‚ Her husband C is quite the character. He cracked me up constantly during our session. And you can really tell how much he loves S when he looks at her. It’s so apparent. I love that. And their matching Livestrong bands were adorable. S and C also brought along their son, T. I tried to capture a few shots of T with his parents and even though he’s not big on smiling, I was able to crack a few smiles from this cutie. He brought his guitar along with him and it made for a fun session. You’ll be seeing a bit more of this family shortly…..their daughter was a little under the weather the day we got together so they are going to come back when she’s feeling a little better. I can’t wait! I already have some ideas brewing and I’m hoping my fields will liven up a bit by then and it will start looking a little more like spring out here! ๐Ÿ™‚

It was so much fun getting to hang out with you guys the other day and catch up! Hope you enjoy your images ๐Ÿ™‚
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