Where do I even begin?   We’ve traveled a lot this summer and it’s really flown by.  It’s bittersweet for me because my youngest is going to start school tomorrow.  So while this past week has been really hectic trying to get everything ready for the kids so they can start school, I’ve also secretly wished this week could last forever.  My kids are all growing up way too quickly and while I enjoy seeing all the changes and hearing about all of the new things they’ve learned, having little Gus start school is hitting me hard.  My last one.  He’s been affectionately known as Baby Gus his entire life….until recently when he looked at me and said “mama…just Gus.  Just call me Gus”.  I could feel my heart swell and break all at the same time!

All four of my children will be in school starting tomorrow.  It’s the first time in 12 years that I will have a silent house on week days.  I wonder if I will enjoy the silence or if it will be deafening?

Our children grow up way too quickly.  They are grown in the blink of an eye.  I urge all of you to take as many pictures of them as you can.  And while I know hiring a professional photographer can be nerve wracking and expensive….those pictures are priceless!  Think about all the things we buy that don’t last….fancy clothes/shoes, expensive cars, big screen tv’s, ipads, smart phones, video games for the kids….heck, even those frequent trips to Target, McDonalds and Starbucks that can really add up!  What do you have to show for any of those things?  Hiring a professional photographer to document tiny little moments in your life really is worth it.  One day, it’s all you will have because memories fade.

I’m going to share my most recent photos of Baby Gus (he will always be Baby Gus to me!).  My sessions with my children aren’t always picture-perfect,  sit and smile portraits.  I actually love catching my kids being themselves.  When I look back at photos of them, I really want to remember these real moments.  Don’t get me wrong….portraits have their definite place and I treasure those too….but when I close my eyes, I don’t see my children in fancy outfits….sitting still…and smiling.

I see this….

child photographer pensacola flchild photographer pensacola flchild photographer pensacola flchild photographer pensacola flchild photographer pensacola flchild photographer pensacola flchild photographer pensacola fl

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