Pensacola newborn Photographer

Baby Cheeks Pensacola, Florida Newborn Baby Photographer

I have taken a very long break from my blog.  A lot of you might not know but I took an on and off again break from working for the past 3.5 years.  In this time, my husband had a kidney transplant and we welcomed not one or even two, but three new babies into our family.  We had our twin girls, Lucy and Nola and then 18 months later, welcomed our son Henry Ruben into our family.  Both of my pregnancies were a bit complicated and while I have worked sporadically, I had to take extended time off due to complications and then to love on all my new babies too.  But now I am back full time and so ready to dive head first into creating beautiful images for all of my families because I truly have the best job in the entire world and have missed it so much.

This little guy visited me in the studio recently and I captured some of my favorite newborn images ever.  I lovingly refer to him as Baby Cheeks, because, I mean…come on…look at the cheeks!  He is such a beautiful baby with the prettiest little lips and superb chubby rolls.  I don’t think I can honestly say that I’ve seen a lot of newborns that have this type of chub this early on and I loved every moment of snuggling on him.

Your babies are only THIS little once.  And for such a short period in time.  They change so quickly.  Come visit me in the studio so I can capture images like this for you <3


Pensacola, Florida Newborn Baby Photographer

Pensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby PhotographerPensacola, Florida Newborn Baby Photographer

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